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Oracle Communications Session Border Controller

woman standing behind a database

Oracle’s Communications Session Border Controller (SBC) provides your IP communications network with an all-in-one solution to protect against cyberthreats, mitigation of system disruptions and resolution of interoperability problems.

With Oracle as your enterprise SBC provider, you can expect only the highest level of voice and video communication for your business.

Manage network downtimes and minimize the risk of cyber attacks

Your IP communications systems are just as vulnerable to cyberattacks, outages and downtimes as any other component in your business network. These issues can disrupt your business operations, delay projects endanger revenues, and tarnish brand image.

Potential impact of cyber attacks on PH businesses

In a 2018 report by Microsoft, they found that cybersecurity threats can cost organizations in the Philippines up to $3.5 billion in economic losses.

The study found that more than half of the organizations in the country have either experienced a cybersecurity breach in the past (18 percent), or aren’t sure if they had one (34 percent) as they hadn’t performed data breach measures.

System downtimes cost PH businesses $8 billion annually

On the other hand, IT-related downtimes cost PH businesses more than $8 billion annually, according to the EMC Global Data Protection Index.

They found that only a measly 6 percent of businesses have data protection and recovery plans in place in events of downtimes. Likewise, the study showed that local companies that had not deployed an effective strategy were almost thrice as likely to suffer from data loss than those that have a strategy in place.


What can a robust enterprise session border controller bring you?

The Oracle Session Border Controller is designed specifically to address the cybersecurity, interoperability and reliability problems that can occur in your IP communications systems.

  • It defends against the threat of cyber attacks
  • Re-routes communication lines away from damaged networks
  • Ensures communications privacy
  • Manipulates sessions to resolve interoperability problems.

Oracle’s SBC is a field-proven solution for connecting a wide range of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Unified Communications (UC) and call center systems to public network services, including  SIP trunk services and cloud communications applications.

man communicating with clients
Oracle Exadata

Key features

Oracle’s Enterprise Session Border Controller provides all the essential features of a great SBC.

  • Advanced denial of service (DoS) and overload protection
  • SIP protocol normalization
  • Optional 1:1 high availability
  • Fraud prevention
  • 323 to SIP protocol interworking
  • On-board Oracle Enterprise Operations Monitor probe
  • Proven multi-vendor UC and service provider interoperability
  • Scalable from 25 to 80,000 sessions in a single chassis


You can install the Oracle E-SBC at your SIP borders, where your communications systems connect to public network services or where different networks are interconnected.

You can use the product to:

  • Contact call center locations and business process outsourcing (BPO) services
  • Connect to SIP trunking services and the Internet
  • Access cloud communications services
  • Communicate securely with remote workers and offices
  • Hold video conferences

Key benefits

  • Protects IT infrastructure, services and applications
  • Guards your network against malicious attacks
  • Easy to implement and use; accelerates service deployment
Oracle ERP

Strong security

Oracle’s E-SBC is equipped with a multi-faceted defense system that protects all your IP communication networks from threats like fraud and cyber breaches. With this system, you can enjoy a secure private voice, video and UC sessions across a wide range of networks.


The platform also features Oracle’s Net-SAFE architecture, which is a comprehensive security architecture that maintains the confidentiality and integrity of your communication lines.

Net-SAFE uses a deep packet inspection technology to identify and block potential attacks while enabling communications to continue. This way, you ensure your services, systems and applications are up-and-running seamlessly, causing no disturbance to your operations.

White/black listing

This can block calls to known fraudulent destinations. You can set up a black list of numbers to reach everyone but them. You could also have white list of numbers that are safe to call, to connect only with safe lines.

Rate limiting

Rate limiting is used to control the amount of incoming and outgoing call traffic. Also, this will limit calls made to suspicious or unusual numbers.

Granular per-user policy

This is used to apply a set of rules to different users based on time of day and other parameters.

two men talking while using a laptop and looking at a computer screen

Easy interoperability

The Oracle E-SBC is equipped with header manipulation capabilities that can solve a variety of interoperability problems. It uses an extensive library of application notes to simplify and accelerate the configuration and deployment of any UC network and SIP trunking service.

IETF-compliant SIPREC interface

An Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)-compliant Session Recording Protocol (SIPREC) interface provides a lower cost and more efficient alternative to conventional line-side interfaces for connecting a call recording server to your network.

Virtualized software

Oracle’s E-SBC is available in a virtualized software that enables easy migration to a range of cloud deployment models. It supports a range of hypervisors used in popular cloud services.

Assured reliability

The Oracle E-SBC includes an extensive set of carrier-grade routing and survivability features that ensure business continuity when faced with network disruptions and downtimes.

Carrier-grade 1:1 high availability

This feature continuously monitors the health of the E-SBC, and dynamically routes sessions to minimize downtimes anywhere in the network.

It routes sessions from active to standby units with little to no impact on user experience.

It can also optimize performance across multiple SIP trunk lines by rerouting based on the observed quality of service (QoS) and balancing loads.

Graphical monitoring and tracing, embedded probe

To help your IT team monitor and troubleshoot your networks, the platform has a graphical monitoring and tracing tool that allows the team to quickly digest complex session information.

For bigger networks, an embedded probe enables this E-SBC to integrate well with the troubleshooting capabilities of the Oracle Enterprise Operations Monitor.

oracle sparc m7

Strong session border controller for your business

With Oracle Enterprise Session Border Controller, you can rest easy knowing your IP communications networks are protected against cyberthreats and fraud, as well as downtimes and disruptions.

Partner with us in Kital and we’ll equip your business with the best Oracle E-SBC system. We are trusted E-SBC vendors by businesses in Metro Manila and the Philippines.


    Kital is an innovative telecom, IP Telephony, and customized solutions provider to small-to-medium-sized businesses and large enterprises in the Philippines.

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